GEAR -- Getting Equity Advocacy Results
> GEAR Components > Name and Frame the Equity Solutions
Equity campaigns are characterized by four major stages. The four stages of equity advocacy each focus on different developments in a campaign, and each produces different kinds of equity results. Campaigns may involve one or several stages, and advocates might move between them in different sequences.
Equity advocacy efforts require a great deal of preparation before a campaign for equity can be undertaken. To achieve policy change, equity advocates must develop a clear understanding and description of the problem, and develop policy change objectives that engage and satisfy multiple stakeholders. Careful attention to developing and vetting a communications strategy, with a focus on language and messages, as well as an approach to social and traditional media, have important consequences for the final outcome of the campaign and the advances toward greater equity achieved along the way.
Equity advocacy to NAME AND FRAME THE EQUITY SOLUTIONS includes four key components: research and identification of the problem and policy change objectives, framing the problem and policy change objectives, identification and cultivation of stakeholders and allies, and identification and development of strategies for decreasing opposition. Benchmarks for each of these areas, and guiding questions to navigate them, are available for download.