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Whether you'll be joining us in Chicago or staying close to home, there are ways to engage with Equity Summit 2018. Throughout the week, we'll be live broadcasting select programming from the Summit, via our website and Facebook pages. Find details below and share with your networks!
Sample Tweets
Throughout #EquitySummit2018 April 11-13, PolicyLink is going live and direct. Check out the livestream schedule: here: https://plcylk.org/plenary-fb-sched
PolicyLink Equity Summit 2018: Our Power. Our Future. Our Nation is in Chicago April 11-13. #EquitySummit2018 is a call for all to step into our power, activate our imaginations, and set the national agenda. Check out the livestream schedule: https://plcylk.org/plenary-fb-sched
At #EquitySummit2018, we are stepping into #ourpower, activating our imaginations, and setting the national agenda. Check out the livestream schedule: https://plcylk.org/plenary-fb-sched
If you can't be here at the @policylink #EquitySummit2018 in person, you can still watch plenaries and workshops live! Check out the streaming schedule here: https://plcylk.org/plenary-fb-sched
I’m proud to be at #EquitySummit2018 this week in Chicago to join leaders from around the country in advancing #equity and #justice for all to reach our full potential.
This week I’m in Chicago with other leaders and changemakers from across #ournation as part of an intersectional movement to promote just and fair inclusion for all. #EquitySummit2018
Stream the kick-off plenary for #EquitySummit2018 “#OurPower: Radical Imagination Fueling Change” on Thursday (4/12, 9am EST / 8am CDT): https://plcylk.org/stream. Moderated by @agb4equity and feat. @lsarsour @MariaTeresa1, @rashadrobinson, @joseiswriting + @SEIU_GRHudson!
On Day 2 of #EquitySummit2018 (4/13, 9am EST / 8am CDT), watch the morning plenary #OurFuture: The Leading Edge of the Equity Movement,” featuring @CharleneCac, @zhaabowekwe, @aijenpoo, @DerrickNAACP, @RipRapson, @latareddy and @crojasphd! Tune in here: https://plcylk.org/stream.
@PolicyLink is closing out a powerful #EquitySummit2018 with a final plenary conversation on Friday afternoon (4/13, 2:30 EST / 1:30pm CDT). Moderated by @Prof_MPastor and feat. @msladyjustice1, @dviyer, @TheMrMilan, @vjmwest1, @lplakota and @MichaelDTubbs. Tune into the livestream: https://plcylk.org/stream.
Sample Facebook Posts
Thurs 4/12 at Noon EST / 11am CDT, tune into the Facebook Live stream of “Inclusive Gender Justice and the Movement for Racial Equity” w/ @aliciagarza, Dr. Edmund T. Gordon, @coyahope, and Krystal Torres-Covarrubias: https://www.facebook.com/PolicyLink.
Thurs 4/13 at 4pm EST / 3pm CDT, tune into the Facebook Live stream of “Messaging the Movement: Narratives for Racial and Economic Justice” w/ @agb4equity, @mayaharris_, @profjohnapowell, @connierazza, @marcesolomon: https://www.facebook.com/PolicyLink.
Friday 4/13 at 11:30 EST / 10:30 CDT, tune into the @policylink Facebook Live for “Reimagining Cities: Local Vanguards for National Change” w/ @JulianCastro, @HelenGymAtLarge, @annapoetic, Tanya Wallace-Gobern of @NBWCP, @MekaeliaD, and Shané Harris of @prudential https://www.facebook.com/PolicyLink #EquitySummit2018.
PolicyLink Equity Summit 2018: Our Power. Our Future. Our Nation is in Chicago April 11-13. #EquitySummit2018 is a call for all to step into our power, activate our imaginations, and set the national agenda. Check out the livestream schedule here: https://plcylk.org/plenary-fb-sched
Join PolicyLink #EquitySummit2018 in Chicago with a plenary conversation exploring “Our Power: Radical Imagination Fueling Change,” moderated by PolicyLink CEO Angela Glover Blackwell and featuring: Linda Sarsour, Maria Teresa Kumar, Rashad Robinson, Jose Antonio Vargas and Gerry Hudson! Watch Thursday 4/12 at 9am EST / 8am CDT: https://plcylk.org/stream.
How can we build on the success of past activists, while remaining cognizant of the new and challenging demands of the future? This is one of the many questions being explored during this #EquitySummit2018 plenary “Our Nation: Transformative Solidarity in a Divided Nation,” Friday 4/13 at 2:30 EST / 1:30pm CDT. Featured speakers: USC Program for Environmental and Regional Equity Director Manuel Pastor; Women’s March National Co-Chair Carmen Perez; Advocate and Author Tiq Milan, First People’s Fund’s President Lori Pourier; Causa Justa: Just Cause Executive Director Vanessa Moses; and Stockton Mayor Michael Stubbs. Watch at: https://plcylk.org/stream.
Tune into the PolicyLink Facebook page on Thursday 4/12 at Noon EST / 11am CDT for an urgent discussion around “Inclusive Gender Justice and the Movement for Racial Equity” featuring Black Lives Matter Co-Founder Alicia Garza, Author and CASSIUS Editor-At-Large Darnell Moore, UT Austin Department of African and African Diaspora Studies Chair and Associate Professor Edmund T. Gordon, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota Community Health & Health Equity Program Manager Coya White Hat-Artichoker, and Los Angeles LGBT Center Out for Safe Schools Coordinator Krystal Torres-Covarrubias! https://www.facebook.com/PolicyLink
Friday 4/13 at 4pm EST / 3pm CDT, PolicyLink CEO Angela Glover Blackwell leads a discussion live from #EquitySummit2018 in Chicago on “Messaging the Movement: Narratives for Racial and Economic Justice. Featured panelists include Jeff Chang, Executive Director, Institute for Diversity in the Arts at Stanford University; John A. Powell, Director of the Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society at University of California Berkeley; Connie M. Razza, Director of Policy and Research at Demos; and Marc Solomon, Principal and National Director, Civitas Public Affairs Group. Tune in! https://www.facebook.com/PolicyLink
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