Our Power: Radical Imagination Fueling Change

Our Power: Radical Imagination Fueling Change
Radical imagination — the audacity that drives us to envision a new and better world — has been the kindling that sparks activism within communities of color for generations. It is this force for creativity, hope, and resilience that sustains us in the face of injustice, and it must now embolden equity leaders to step into their power in new and expansive ways. This plenary will feature innovators from multiple fields who are wielding instruments of influence — media, technology, business, government — to deliver equity wins at scale. Their work exemplifies the courage and radical imagination necessary to translate bold visions into liberating impact for low-income communities and communities of color.
Speakers: Angela Glover Blackwell, @agb4equity; Gerry Hudson, @SEIU_GRHudson; Maria Teresa Kumar, @MariaTeresa1; Jose Antonio Vargas, @joseiswriting; Linda Sarsour, @lsarsour; Rashad Robinson, @rashadrobinson